Sweet smelling pine trees, tasty blueberry & lingonberry juice, nice-friendly people and perfectly groomed cross country ski trails. What more could I ask you in a ski getaway.
To top it all off I will be representing Canada this Sunday March 6 at the World’s biggest XC ski race Vasaloppet. https://www.vasaloppet.se/en/
I am ready and look forward to racing the world’s best long distance racers during the 90km race from Sålen to Møra. I feel good and everything will be ready for me to test my fitness and Fischer skis & Triac Swix poles. The thousands of strenuous kilometres of rollerskiing around Rosemere & Val-Morin during the spring, summer & fall of 2021 will also weigh in the balance of my final overall result I achieve at Vasaloppet 06-03-22.
Please send me good vibrations 🙏and wish me good luck. Lycka till. Thank you. Tusen tack!!

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