Marcialonga race update.
Hi everyone. Today I had a good cross country ski race despite breaking the ferrule of my right basket about 5kms into the race. Thankfully my friend Carmine gave me a new fully functional pole approximately 30kms later. Needless to say I was handicapped for the first half of the race. But I pushed as hard as I could. The big effort as for everyone was going uphill “ the Cascata” for the last 2kms. Of course I was tired and a little out of breath at the finish line. I am glad for my effort and performance. I have just eaten 4 oranges and an apple. I drank some water and I about to have a late lunch. And you may be wondering what those brown bumps are on my hand and finger. Well this can happen from aggressive poling non-stop over 70kms of hilly terrain. In fact they are blood blisters that happened and materialized towards the end of the Marcialonga. Sore and irritating. But the wounds will heal and I will feel much better after a good nights sleep. I look forward to cross country skiing tomorrow morning before leaving for Munich and back home to Canada. One last cross country outing below the beautiful Dolomite mountains. The birds will be singing as mild sunny weather is again forecast tomorrow. In conclusion I want to publicly thank my hosts at B & B Le Ciorciole, Carla, Elisa and Lucia for their warm hospitality and services. Thank you also Carmine for all the help you have been giving me during the week. Once again thanks to your waxing expertise I had fast skis for today’s Marcialonga 🙏

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